Home Literature Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 9 LiteratureQuizzes Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 9 By Bahaa Shammala - March 11, 2021 193 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Results Perfect, you did it! Don’t Give Up #1. a humorous imitation of a series of works of literature. Black comedy Black comedy Burlesque Burlesque poetry poetry Confessional Confessional #2. an autobiographical poetic genre in which the poet discusses the intensely personal subject matter with unusual frankness. Black comedy Black comedy Didactic Didactic Burlesque Burlesque Confessional poetry Confessional poetry #3. a formal poem that laments the death of a friend or a public figure. Essay Essay Elegy Elegy Epigram Epigram Epic Epic #4. short prose or verse narratives that illustrate a moral and they are done by animal characters having human traits. Fables Fables Epigram Epigram Essay Essay Morality Morality #5. a play representing an allegory of the Christian struggle for salvation. Non-drama Non-drama Essay Essay Fables Fables Morality play Morality play #6. disturbing or absurd material presented in a humorous manner, usually with the intention to confront an uncomfortable truth. Dramatic monologue Dramatic monologue Biography Biography Black comedy Black comedy Dystopic literature Dystopic literature #7. a form of nonfictional discussion or argument that is flexible in form. Morality Morality Essay Essay Fables Fables Epigram Epigram #8. a lengthy narrative describing the deeds of a heroic figure. Epigram Epigram Elegy Elegy Essay Essay Epic Epic #9. a succinct, witty statement, often in verse. Epigram Epigram Epic Epic Essay Essay Elegy Elegy #10. a kind of literary work by which you can get instructed or educated. Elegy Elegy Confessional poetry Confessional poetry Burlesque Burlesque Didactic literature Didactic literature Finish