Home Literature General Literature Knowledge Quiz 06

General Literature Knowledge Quiz 06


Dear student, the knowledge in the questions below is about literature general knowledge as well as the most prominent literary works.

The total number of the questions is 16. Don’t give up if your answers were wrong, just try again and you will absolutely learn. Good Luck.


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Don’t Give Up

#1. Who is the author of ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls?

#2. Which one is written by G B Shaw?

#3. Who is Father of modern English literature?

#4. Who is the author of ‘Satanic Verses’?

#5. W. B. Yeats got Nobel Prize in?

#6. Who is the author of ‘Interpretation of Drama’?

#7. G B Shaw got Nobel Prize in 1925 for the book?

#8. Who is the author of ‘The Jungle Book’?

#9. "She looked over his shoulder For vines and olive trees, Marble well-governed cities And ships upon untamed seas" ----these lines are the starting of?

#10. Who is the author of ‘Endgame’?

#11. The poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is composed by?

#12. ‘East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet’ these lines were written by?

#13. What is 1st decade part of modern age?

#14. Ulysses is a____by James Joyce.

#15. W. B. Yeats was a/an?

#16. Nobel Prize winner in literature Harold Pinter is from?

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Bahaa Shammala
The CEO & Founder of YFG project.


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