Take a quick quiz to test your knowledge of phrasal verbs. Choose from common phrasal verbs or less common phrasal verbs.
You can do as many 20-question quizzes as you like.
#1. To relax from stress is the same as to ______ down.
#2. To be hit by a car or bus is the same as to be ______ down.
#3. That book will come ______ very useful.
#4. I don't think they can easily get ______ from prison.
#5. To make something appear less serious than it is the same as to
#6. I hope you don't get ______ trouble again.
#7. To have a lot of stress is similar to being ______ down by a lot of problems.
#8. To fail to do something when someone is relying on you is the same as to ______ down someone.
#9. To let something become less hot is the same as to let it ______ down.
#10. To write a note is the same as to ______ down something.
#11. To pass things from father to son is the same as to ______ down from generation to generation.
#12. To reduce the amount you do something is the same as to ______ down.
#13. The teacher was lucky to get the truth ______ of him.
#14. She is very well-paid, so she can get ______ without any help from him.
#15. The question didn’t come ______ so I was happy.
#16. She said she would come ______ and visit today.
#17. The manager failed to get his ideas ______ to the employees.
#18. His aunt just died so he will come ______ a lot of money.
#19. Ok. it's time to get ______ to business.
#20. If it is raining very heavily, it is the same as to ______ down rain.