Home Grammar English Grammar Test (2)

English Grammar Test (2)


Test your English grammar with this free online test

Want to know how good your English is? With our free English level test, you’ll get an understanding of your knowledge of English grammar and find out where you need to improve. The test consists of 39 short multiple-choice questions about English Grammar. We suggest you take 10-15 minutes to complete the test. As we provide the answers at the end, the test is only meant for fun and is not an accurate placement test.

#1. A: He is shouting at those children _____. Do you know why? B: Because they damaged his _____ car.

#2. A: You _____ wash those strawberries. I've already washed them. B: Oh, good. Thank you.

#3. He wrote hundreds of poems, but he published _______ them.

#4. I am travelling to India _____ two weeks and I am going to stay there _____ the winter, too.

#5. London is 45 km away from our city, but Oxford is 78 km away. Therefore, London is _____ to our city _____ Oxford.

#6. ____ of the five girls has short black hair. ____ of them have long brown hair.

#7. She _____ his aunt in Egypt next month. She has already organized the trip. She thinks they _____ a great time together.

#8. Bob is 79. Valerie is 79, too, so she is _____ Bob.

#9. Eric visited his aunt at the hospital _____ the morning and called one of his neighbours _____ noon.

#10. A: _____ ask you a question? B: Yes, sure, but I _____ answer it if it is about my private life.

#11. In the Arabic love story, Layla and Majnun, Majnun walks _____ the desert to find Layla.

#12. Sally met John _____ the new cinema in Brooklyn, not _____ Ivy Street.

#13. A: Tom _____ sad. B: He _____ his office next week. That's why he is sad.

#14. Ian _____ classes next week because he _____ to another town with the baseball team.

#15. A: When is his birthday? B: It's _____ January 19tlh.

#16. Alexander is 75 kilograms. Nick is 97 kilograms so Alexander is _____ Nick.

#17. A: Who will be the winner of the next game? B: I think our team _____ the other team. I have confidence in them.

#18. Aaron and Milan are friends and _______ of them go to the same school. They are classmates, too.

#19. A: You are ill. You _____ in the balcony. It isn't warm outside. B: I'm wearing warm clothes. Don't worry.

#20. Ryan often goes to bed _____ midnight _____ Sundays.

#21. A: You sounded _____ on the phone this morning. Is everything OK? B: I'm not _____. Don't worry.

#22. Jackie has boiled water in the pot. She _____ some tea and probably she _____ all of it.

#23. A: _____ their boss _____ them a pay rise? B: No, he isn't.

#24. Marcy usually worked _____ the weekend _____ the past.

#25. A: _______ the pancakes are burnt. B: Still, Hillary has eaten five of them.

#26. A: Where is the vacuum cleaner? I can't find it. B: It is _____ the door, but you need to take it _____ its box.

#27. A: Are _______ the cupboards empty? B: No, Only the one on the left is empty. There are plates inside the other one.

#28. A: There are four radios in the attic. B: Yes, but _______ of them work. They are _______ broken.

#29. Don't forget to say "please '' when you want something from someone, dear. It is _____.

#30. He gave me two music CDs, but I liked _______ them.

#31. A: I don't want to leave my phone at the desk before I enter the exam hall. _____? B: Unfortunately, yes. It is the rule.

#32. A: Can you see the turtle _____ the flowers? B: Yes, it is coming _____ its shell. It is not afraid of us!

#33. Stacy travelled _____ one continent to another _____ bicycle last year.

#34. A: When did your cousins visit you? B: _____ Christmas Day _____ dawn.

#35. _______ the paintings are exceptionally beautiful, but I love _______ them.

#36. Edgar is _____ at tennis _____ his sister because he has practised a lot, too.

#37. A: Of all the cities in the world, which city is _____ to the Equator? B: Quito. It is only 15 miles to it.

#38. _______ the eleven footballers in the team were happy about the final score _______ of them were sad.

#39. Rebecca is usually _____ Beatrice because she is _____ her. She loves interacting with people.

#40. A: _____ pay any money for this treatment? B: No, you _____.



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Bahaa Shammala
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