Home Literature Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 8

Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 8


Dear student, first you have to study the following literature definitions, then test your knowledge about what you read on the next page. Good Luck.

Fiction (الخيال): an invented narrative, as opposed to one that reports true events.

Legend (اسطورة): a story about a heroic figure derived from the oral tradition and based partly on fact and partly on fiction.

Lyric (غنائي): a short poetic composition describing the thoughts of a single speaker. Most modern poetry is lyrical (as opposed to dramatic or narrative), employing such common forms as the “ode” and “sonnet.”

Memoir (مذكرات): an autobiographical work. Rather than focus exclusively on the author’s life, it pays significant attention to the author’s involvement in historical events.

Metafiction: fiction that concerns the nature of fiction itself, either by reinterpreting a previous work or by drawing attention to its own fictional status.

Dirge (شعر حزين): a short poetic expression of grief. It differs from an elegy in that it’s often embedded within a larger work.

Drama (تمثيلية): a composition that is meant to be performed or acted. Drama is boarder than play; it includes some forms that may not be defined as plays, such as radio broadcasts, comedy sketches, and opera.

Dramatic monologue (المونولوج التمثيلي): a poem that contains words that a fictional or historical character speaks to a particular audience.

Dystopic literature: a genre of fiction that presents an imagined future society that purports to be perfect and utopian.

Biography (السيرة الذاتية): the non-fictional story of a person’s life. When the author of biography is also its subject, the work is an “autobiography.”

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Bahaa Shammala
The CEO & Founder of YFG project.


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