Home Language Quiz | Semantics 1

Quiz | Semantics 1


The questions in this quiz are from The Study of Language (THIRD EDITION) book written by GEORGE YULE.

This quiz is not only for BSED majoring in English but also for everyone, especially YOU!. . .

It contains different questions about the topic mentioned above. So, jump right in, and enjoy the quiz!


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#1. the study of the meaning of words, phrases and sentences

#2. the basic components of meaning conveyed by the literal use of words

#3. the most characteristic instance of a category

#4. the relationships of meaning, such as synonymy, between words

#5. words in hyponymy that share the same superordinate

#6. the semantic role of the noun phrase identifying the entity that has the feeling, perception or state described by the verb

#7. the higher-level term in hyponymy

#8. the type of meaning that people might connect with the use of words

#9. basic elements such as ‘human’, included as plus (+human) or minus (−human), used in an analysis of the components of word meaning

#10. the semantic role of the noun phrase identifying the one who performs the action of the verb in an event

#11. the lexical relation in which words have opposite meanings

#12. the semantic role of the noun phrase identifying where an entity moves from

#13. the semantic role of the noun phrase used to identify the entity involved in or affected by the action of the verb in an event

#14. the lexical relation in which two or more words have very closely related meanings

#15. the semantic role of the noun phrase identifying the entity that is used to perform the action of the verb

#16. the semantic role of the noun phrase identifying where an entity is

#17. the semantic role of the noun phrase identifying where an entity moves to

#18. the lexical relation in which the meaning of one word is included in the meaning of another

#19. words with opposite meanings along a scale (e.g. big– small)

#20. the part played by a noun phrase, such as agent, in the event described by the sentence




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