Home Aptitude Tests Kuwait Aptitude Test – Grammar Quiz (1)

Kuwait Aptitude Test – Grammar Quiz (1)


This test source is from the Kuwait University. This quiz is consist of 17 questions.

#1. None of ........ books is interesting.

#2. Mahmoud and his friend ....... not go to the beach in the winter.

#3. Ali ........... sick on Tuesday.

#4. Nouria is never late for work. She always arrives ...........

#5. If you are going out in very cold weather, you ...... dress warmly.

#6. Whose money is that? It’s .........

#7. There are 20 ...... in her class.

#8. He is waiting ..... his friend to arrive.

#9. Which sentence is correct?

#10. What have you ...... for the last 30 minutes?

#11. Which sentence is correct?

#12. I need to buy a map and get ........... information at the tourist office.

#13. Do you ........... to see a doctor?

#14. .......... equipment in our laboratory is very expensive.

#15. While Moudhi is cooking tonight, Abla ........ her.

#16. The sink is still broken because we ......... not yet .......... the plumber.

#17. While Fatma ....... dinner, her phone rang.



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Bahaa Shammala
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