Home Quizzes Vocabulary Quiz 06

Vocabulary Quiz 06



1. All your suggestions will be carefully __________ before we come to a decision.
a) conserved – ‘To conserve’ means to keep something in its original condition. Try again.
b) understood – The word you need here means think carefully and for some time, which doesn’t mean the same thing as ‘understood’. Try again.
c) considered – This is the correct answer. It means think carefully and for some time.
d) undermined – ‘To undermine’ means to weaken or destroy something gradually, so is not the right answer here. Try again.

2. Do you believe __________ ghosts?
a) on – This is not the correct preposition. Try again.
b) in – This is the correct answer. Well done!
c) at – This is not the correct preposition. Try again.
d) to – This is not the correct preposition. Try again.

3. After careful __________ on the pros and cons, she decided to go ahead and do it.
a) thinking – ‘Thinking’ is followed by ‘about’. You need a different verb with ‘on’. Try again.
b) dreaming – ‘Dreaming’ is followed by ‘about’. Usually, the kind of thinking we do while we are daydreaming is not considered to be careful or deep. You need a different verb with ‘on’.
c) examination – ‘Examination’ is followed by ‘of’, not ‘on’. You need a different verb with ‘on’. Try again.
d) reflection – This is the correct answer. ‘Reflection’ means careful, deep thinking. Well done!

4. James couldn’t concentrate on his work that day, he could only think of his girlfriend. He spent the whole morning __________ thought.
a) lost in – This is the correct answer.
b) missed in – ‘Miss’ is not the correct word here. Try again.
c) lost on – ‘On’ is not the correct preposition here. Try again.
d) missed on – ‘Missed on’ is not correct. Try again.

5. Her opinion of me is not important, in fact, I __________ what she thinks about anything.
a) couldn’t care – A word is missing here. Try again.
b) couldn’t care more – ‘More’ is incorrect here. Try again.
c) couldn’t care less – This is the correct answer. ‘Couldn’t care less’ means ‘don’t care at all’.
d) could care more – A negative expression is needed here. Try again.

6. Don’t __________ with that, it’s just not worth thinking about.
a) trouble – Here you need a phrase with ‘trouble’ in it. Try again.
b) struggle your head – ‘Struggle’ is the wrong word. Try again.
c) trouble head – There is a word missing from this phrase. Try again.
d) trouble your head – This is correct. Well done! ‘Don’t trouble your head’ means ‘don’t worry’.

7. Our dog __________ every time the postman delivers letters to our house.
a) meows – Cats meow. Try again.
b) barks – This is the correct answer. Well done!
c) moos – Cows moo. Try again.
d) neighs – Horses neigh. Try again.

8. Sarah was __________ the person sitting next to her; we couldn’t hear exactly what she was saying, but it sounded like she was complaining about something.
a) giggling with – This is not the correct answer. ‘Giggling’ means ‘laughing quietly in an uncontrolled way’. Try again.
b) shrieking at – This is not the correct answer. ‘Shrieking’ means ‘shouting wildly’. Try again.
c) bellowing at – This is not the correct answer. ‘Bellowing’ means ‘shouting in a deep voice’. Try again.
d) muttering to – This is the correct answer. ‘To mutter’ means ‘to speak angry or complaining words quietly’.

9. The geese __________ at us angrily when we walked past them. It was quite frightening!
a) cooed – Doves and pigeons coo. Try again
b) hooted – Owls hoot. Try again.
c) honked – This is the correct answer. Well done!
d) quacked – Ducks quack. Try again.

10. John _________ his answer nervously when she asked him to say what he honestly thought.
a) stammered – This is the correct answer. ‘Stammered’ means ‘spoke with pauses or repeated sounds’.
b) yelled – This is not correct. ‘Yelled’ is another word for ‘shouted’.
c) sighed – This is not correct. ‘To sigh’ means ‘To speak in a way that expresses sadness, relief or satisfaction. Try again.
d) roared – This is not correct. ‘Roared’ means ‘made a very loud noise’.

11. I can hear a __________ noise, but I can’t see the bee that must be making it.
a) hissing – Snakes hiss. Try again.
b) bleating – Sheep and goats bleat. Try again.
c) buzzing – This is the correct answer.
d) roaring – Lions and tigers roar. Try again.

12. ‘Look at me when I’m talking to you!’ __________ John suddenly.
a) murmured – This is not correct. ‘Murmured’ means ‘made a low, continuous sound’. Try again.
b) snapped – This is correct. Well done!
c) mumbled – This is not correct. ‘Mumbled’ means ‘spoke unclearly’.
d) stuttered – This is not correct. ‘Stuttered’ means ‘spoke with difficulty, holding back the first sound of some words, for example: ‘…when I’m t-t-talking to you’

13. __________ this tastes disgusting, I can’t eat any more of it!
a) Ugh – This is the correct answer. Well done! ‘Ugh’ expresses a negative reaction to an unpleasant sensation (touch, smell, taste, sight).
b) Yippee – ‘Yippee’ is a positive interjection and something negative is needed here. Try again!
c) Poo – ‘Poo’ specifically expresses a reaction to a bad smell. Here we need an interjection related to taste.
d) Phew – ‘Phew’ expresses relief at a positive situation. We need a negative interjection here.

14. __________ that really hurt!
a) Tut tut – This is not the correct answer. ‘Tut tut’ expresses disapproval.
b) Phew – ‘Phew’ expresses relief at a positive situation. We need a negative interjection here.
c) Hooray – ‘Hooray’ expresses delight at a particular situation. We need a negative interjection here.
d) Ouch – This is the correct answer. Well done!

15. __________ I shouldn’t have told her, should I? I thought she already knew!
a) Yuk – ‘Yuk’ expresses a negative reaction to something unpleasant, for example, a taste. Try again.
b) Oops – This is the correct answer. ‘Oops’ expresses a negative reaction to having done something wrong by accident.
c) Fantastic – ‘Fantastic’ expresses a positive reaction. You need a negative interjection here. Try again!
d) Wow – This is not the correct answer. ‘Wow’ expresses a strong reaction of wonder or surprise.

16. __________! I think that’s a great idea, let’s do it!
a) Bother – This is not the correct answer. ‘Bother’ expresses irritation at an inconvenience.
b) Oh no – You need a positive interjection here. Try again!
c) Aargh – This is not correct. ‘Aargh’ expresses general displeasure or unhappiness. Try again.
d) Brilliant – This is the correct answer. Brilliant! Well done!

17. __________! They’ve only known each other for two weeks and they’re getting married already!
a) Hooray – This is not the correct answer. ‘Hooray’ is a way of showing delight or joy at a particular outcome. You need an interjection that expresses surprise or wonder.
b) Gosh – This is the correct answer. ‘Gosh’ is an expression of surprise or wonder.
c) Whoops – ‘Whoops, like ‘oops’, expresses a negative reaction to having done something wrong by accident. Try again!
d) Yippee – This is not the correct answer. ‘Yippee’ expresses delight at a particular situation. Try again!

18. __________! I’ve just missed the last bus. I’ll have to walk home.
a) Damn – This is correct. Well done! (Note: ‘Damn’ is a taboo word that may offend your listener.)
b) Phew – ‘Phew’ expresses relief at a positive situation. We need a negative interjection here.
c) Yuk – ‘Yuk’ expresses a negative reaction to something unpleasant, especially a taste. Try again.
d) Cheers – ‘Cheers’ means ‘thank you’ (used in informal situations) or can be used as a toast. Try again.

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Bahaa Shammala
The CEO & Founder of YFG project.


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