The questions in this quiz are in alphabetical order and are for all the TKT modules.
This quiz aims at preparing students for any module, so they should make sure that they are familiar with all the words and phrases in the TKT glossary.
In this quiz, you will be examined on pages from 6 to 7 of the TKT glossary, good luck.
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Don’t Give Up
#1. Any pair or group of words commonly found together or near one another
#2. A small object, often made of wood, with straight sides.
#3. The things teachers do to organise the classroom
#4. A task-type in which learners read a text with missing words and try to work out what the missing words are.
#5. A list of things that a learner or teacher needs to focus on or consider.
#6. A description of the learners and information about their learning, including their age, ability, strengths and weaknesses in language and skills.
#7. A question which leads to a yes/no answer or another very short response
#8. To repeat a phrase, sentence, rhyme, verse, poem or song, usually with others, in a regular rhythm.
#9. Information in the form of diagrams, lists or drawings often placed on the classroom wall for learners to use.
#10. When teachers focus on form, meaning and pronunciation in a lesson to help learners understand the use and rules of target language.
#11. Part of a video or DVD of a film or TV programme that can be used in class.
#12. accompanies the coursebook, and contains teaching ideas, audio scripts and answers to coursebook activities.
#13. contains extra practice activities and is often used for homework
#14. is used regularly by learners in the class
#15. A game played by two or more players on a board using dice.
#16. generally consists of a subject and a finite verb connected to the subject and sometimes other things
#17. To put things into the group to which they belong.
#18. The way we do things; to be polite or rude, to be noisy or quiet.
#19. Sentences that describe learners’ language use or an aspect of it on a scale of proficiency
#20. To quickly think of ideas about a topic and also possibly note them down.