Home Methodology TKT Glossary Quiz 01

TKT Glossary Quiz 01


The questions in this quiz are in alphabetical order and are for all the TKT modules.

This quiz aims at preparing students for any module, so they should make sure that they are familiar with all the words and phrases in the TKT glossary.

In this quiz, you will be examined in the first three pages of the TKT glossary, good luck.


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#1. Things which are connected with education or connected with studying in schools, colleges or universities.

#2. To be able to find and to use materials for lessons.

#3. A classroom activity used mostly with young learners which includes words and sentences which end in the same sound.

#4. To show that you have seen or understood something.

#5. A particular way or a system for doing something.

#6. A classroom activity in which (younger) learners make something with their hands, such as an origami animal or a mini-book.

#7. To learn a language without studying it, just by hearing and/or reading it and then using it.

#8. An approach to learning by doing activities and focusing on the activity rather than focusing on grammar and vocabulary.

#9. Taking part and being involved and interested in something.

#10. What is the aim or purpose of a stage, step or short section of a lesson?

#11. What the teacher wants to achieve in the lesson or in the course.

#12. To examine or think about something in detail in order to understand it or get to know it better

#13. To get learners to think about and to say what they know about a topic.

#14. What is the secondary focus of the lesson, less important than the main aim?

#15. The ability to do something without making mistakes.

#16. Something you succeed in doing usually by making an effort; something done successfully.

#17. is what the teacher would like to improve in his/her teaching

#18. To change a text or other material, so that it is suitable to use with a particular class.

#19. When teachers are planning a lesson, they think about what their learners might find difficult about the lesson so that they can help them learn more effectively at certain points in the lesson.

#20. To get learners interested in a task or topic

#21. Language which is suitable in a particular situation

#22. A short form of a word or phrase

#23. Connected to thoughts and ideas rather than real objects, situations or actions.

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Bahaa Shammala
The CEO & Founder of YFG project.


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