Home Literature Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 2

Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 2



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#1. character struggling with forces outside of him/herself. For example. Nature, god, society, another person, technology, etc.

#2. the close repetition of identical consonant sounds before and after differing vowel sounds.

#3. the vehicle (person, animal, creation) that moves the story forward.

#4. refers to the techniques employed by writers to develop characters.

#5. a long list of anything; an inventory used to emphasize quantity or inclusiveness.

#6. the associations, images, or impressions carried by a word, as opposed to the word’s literal meaning.

#7. the struggle between two opposing forces that is the basis of the plot.

#8. an elaborate figure of speech comparing two very dissimilar things.

#9. In general, an accepted way of doing things.

#10. the point at which the conflict of the story begins to reach a turning point and begins to be resolved.

#11. the precise, literal meaning of a word, without emotional associations or overtones.

#12. character struggling with him/herself,

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Bahaa Shammala
The CEO & Founder of YFG project.


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