Home Literature Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 2

Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 2


Dear students, first you have to study the following literature definitions, then test your knowledge about what you read on the next page. Good Luck.

Catalog (تصنيف): a long list of anything; an inventory used to emphasize quantity or inclusiveness.

Character (شخصية): the vehicle (person, animal, creation) that moves the story forward. A character may be main or minor, depending on his or her role in the work of literature. While some characters are two-dimensional, with one or two dominant traits, a fully developed character has a unique complex of traits.
A) dynamic characters often change as the plot unfolds.
B) static characters remain the same.

Characterization (التوصيف): refers to the techniques employed by writers to develop characters.
1) The writer may use physical description.
2) Dialogue spoken by the character and by other characters reveals character traits.
3) A character’s action may be a means of characterization.
4) The reactions of another character may also be revealing.
5) A character’s thoughts arid feelings are also a means of characterization.

Climax (الذروة): the point at which the conflict of the story begins to reach a turning point and begins to be resolved.

Conceit: an elaborate figure of speech comparing two very dissimilar things.

Conflict (صراع): the struggle between two opposing forces that is the basis of the plot.
1) internal conflict character struggling with him/herself,
2) external conflicts – character struggling with forces outside of
him/herself. For example. Nature, god, society, another person, technology, etc.

Connotation (الدلالة): the associations, images, or impressions carried by a word, as opposed to the word’s literal meaning.

Consonance (التناسق): the close repetition of identical consonant sounds before and after differing vowel sounds.

Convention (اتفاقية): In general, an accepted way of doing things.

Denotation (الدلالة): the precise, literal meaning of a word, without emotional associations or overtones.

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Bahaa Shammala
The CEO & Founder of YFG project.


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