Home Literature Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 11

Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 11


Dear student, first you have to study the following literature definitions, then test your knowledge about what you read on the next page. Good Luck.

Myth (أسطورة): a story about the origins of a culture’s beliefs and practices, of supernatural phenomena, usually derived from oral tradition.

Novel (رواية): a fictional prose narrative of significant length.

Allegory (السرد): a narrative in which literal meaning corresponds clearly and directly to symbolic meaning.

Anecdote (حكاية): the brief narration of a single event or incident.

Aphorism (قول مأثور): a concise expression of insight or wisdom.

autobiography (السيرة الذاتية): the non-fictional story of a person’s life, told by that person.

Ballad (القصة الغنائية): a folk song telling a story of a legend in simple language.

Pastoral (الرعوية): a celebration of the simple, rustic life of shepherds, usually written by a sophisticated, urban writer.

Play (مسرحية): a story meant to be performed in a theater before the audience.

Comedy (كوميديا): a lighthearted play characterized by humor and a happy ending.

Farce (مهزلة): a form of high-energy comedy that plays on confusions and deceptions between characters.

Miracle play (معجزة): a play featuring saints or miraculous appearances by the Virgin Mary.

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Bahaa Shammala
The CEO & Founder of YFG project.


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