The questions in this quiz are from The Study of Language (THIRD EDITION) book written by GEORGE YULE.
This quiz is not only for BSED majoring in English but also for everyone, especially YOU!. . .
It contains different questions about the topic mentioned above. So, jump right in, and enjoy the quiz!
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#1. modifying speech style toward convergence or away from divergence the perceived style of the person being talked to
#2. African American Vernacular English
#3. special technical vocabulary associated with a specific activity or topic as part of a register
#4. a conventional way of using language that is appropriate in a specific situation, occupation or topic, characterized by the use of special jargon
#5. words or phrases that are avoided in formal speech, but are used in swearing
#6. used after a vowel
#7. adopting a speech style that emphasizes social distance by using forms that are different from those used by the person being talked to
#8. a social dialect with low prestige spoken by a lower-status group, with marked differences from the standard language
#9. a variety of a language with features that differ according to the social status of the speaker
#10. a way of speaking that is either formal/careful or informal/casual
#11. adopting a speech style that attempts to reduce social distance by using forms that are similar to those used by the person being talked to
#12. the status of a speech style or feature as having positive value, but which is ‘hidden’ or not valued similarly among the larger community
#13. a factor that is used to identify one group of speakers as different from another
#14. a phenomenon such as discrimination or segregation that separates social groups and creates marked differences between the social dialects of the groups
#15. changing speech style from formal to informal or vice versa
#16. African American English
#17. a feature of language use that distinguishes one group of speakers from another
#18. the study of the relationship between language and society
#19. a group of people who share a set of norms and expectations regarding the use of language
#20. a linguistic feature that marks the speaker as a member of a particular social group
#21. the personal dialect of an individual speaker
#22. status that is generally recognized as ‘better’ or more positively valued in the larger community
#23. words or phrases used instead of more conventional forms by those who are typically outside established higher-status groups