#1. It is considered the Golden Age of English literature …………
#2. Both tragic and comic plays have …........
#3. The author of the famous story book " Alice's Adventure in Wonderland " is ............
#4. It seems that all Elizabethan poets learned a great deal from........ who was involved with words, especially their melodious arrangement and showed others how to get the maximum musical effects from the simplest of words.
#5. A key writer of the early twentieth century in the English literature he thought of as " dear, dirty Dublin":
#6. The writer of " Pride & Prejudice " is ..........
#7. An ending in a story or novel that comes as a shock or is completely unexpected is called:
#8. Melodrama and tragic comedy have this in common ............
#9. The ....... movement embodied a philosophy of artistic freedom from conventional expectations of content and form with a belief in " art for art sake":