A high-level English Grammar Exercise(C1 – C2) to check your advanced grammar knowledge.
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#1. Beethoven’s seventeen string quartettes hold ------- the same position in chamber music ------- his symphonies hold in the orchestral repertoire.
#2. Provided that he ------- reasonable care of himself, the old man has every chance of ------- a complete recovery.
#3. A new booklet ------- which ------ to give the interested layman an overall picture of contemporary medicine.
#4. Workers who inhale large quantities ------- manganese dust ------- a long period of time, may show symptoms of a brain disease.
#5. The problem with antiseptics is that ------- killing germs, they ------- kill the surrounding tissues.
#6. The use of preservatives in food manufacturing ------- steadily over the past few decades and ------- no signs of abating.
#7. In his book the psychiatrist Martin Grotjohn claims that ------- a baby begins to smile and laugh, ------ intelligent he or she is likely to prove it.
#8. France, which is one of the largest market for mobile phones, plans to limit their use ----- growing concern about the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the brain.
#9. When their body size is considered, mammals and birds have much larger brains than ------- .
#10. -------- two-thirds of the energy an average person spends every day supports the body's metabolic activities.
#11. Some diseases are caused ------- a singlcelled parasite that invades the red blood cells ------- its host.
#12. If there ------- and delay in getting her to hospital, the consequence of the event ------ fatal.