Articles and nouns
#1. Every day ........... starts at 9 and finishes at 3.
If you got a wrong answer, study unit 74.
#2. This isn’t my book. It’s .............. .
If you got a wrong answer, study unit 81.
#3. When ............... invented?
If you got a wrong answer, study unit 76.
#4. Where are you going to put all your ......... ?
If you got a wrong answer, study unit 70.
#5. Helen works six days ........ week.
If you got a wrong answer, study unit 72.
#6. Sandra is .......... . She works at a large hospital.
If you got a wrong answer, study unit 71 , 72.
#7. Have you been to ............. ?
If you got a wrong answer, study unit 77.
#8. It wasn’t your fault. It was ......... .
If you got a wrong answer, study unit 69.
#9. ................ changed a lot in the last thirty years.
If you got a wrong answer, study unit 75.
#10. I have some news for you. ............................. .
If you got a wrong answer, study unit 79 , 70.
#11. There are millions of stars in ............ .
If you got a wrong answer, study unit 73.
#12. It took us quite a long time to get here. It was ............... journey.
If you got a wrong answer, study unit 80.
#13. On our first day in Moscow, we visited ......... .
If you got a wrong answer, study unit 78.
#14. ‘Where are you going?’ ‘I’m going to buy .......... .’
If you got a wrong answer, study unit 70.