Home Methodology English Competencies 9

English Competencies 9


Here are 16 questions to test your knowledge of English competencies. GOOD LUCK

#1. If language instructors want to measure students' understanding of the course material, during that course, they should design ............... test.

#2. ............. have an interest element of competition. This is another way to motivate students in the classroom.

#3. Students can learn a foreign second language using a specific software like.....

#4. It is very useful for students to be self-reliant when it comes to using learning resources. To achieve this, we need to teach students several skill sets, which of the following skills are least effective towards that end?

#5. When students are asked to hand in a report on an assigned newspaper article they practice several language skills. This skills include.....

#6. Setting up a situation in which a student role plays speaking to a friend and then speaking to the minister of education achieves which goal?

#7. Which of the following be considered a kinesthetic activity?

#8. Effective teachers encourage long term achievement. This is accomplished through a focus on.......

#9. A method of assessment that evaluates student knowledge at the end of a lesson is called..... test.

#10. An activity that best helps practice skimming is.....

#11. A test that aims to assign language learners to their suitable program is called............. test

#12. A test that predicts a person's future success in learning a foreign/ second language is called.............test.

#13. -If language instructors want to identify students' strengths and weaknesses, they need to design ...... test

#14. When using a textbook that contains a speaking activity that centers around a scenario foreign to Saudi students what should the teacher do?

#15. The assessment that monitors students learning and provides ongoing feedback is called................



Perfect, you did it!

Don’t Give Up

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Bahaa Shammala
The CEO & Founder of YFG project.


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