Home Methodology English Competencies 1

English Competencies 1


Here are 15 questions to test your knowledge of English competencies. GOOD LUCK

#1. ...... should be analyzed by teachers to identify inappropriate transfer of first language habits.

#2. A run on sentence is :

#3. The word "unbreakable" consists of ....... syllables.

#4. Changing the stress patterns in words such as "present" changes the ………………. of the word.

#5. The words a learner understands either orally or in print are called ………… vocabulary.

#6. When students combine what they already know with the new materials in the text to activate their prior knowledge about the topic based on surrounding context clues, they are:

#7. When a teacher asks his students to read other texts written by the same author or texts with a common theme, style or content, he wants them to ………

#8. Total physical Response ( TPR ) requires students :

#9. In an English language classroom, how do you explain to your students a new aspect of foreign culture?

#10. A student who is developing proficiency in English is called a/an …… Language learner .

#11. At the end of a listening class, and as a reward, the teacher plays part of a feel- good short story the students enjoyed yesterday, what kind of listening activity is it?

#12. Shy students my feel more motivated if they are engaged in ………. Activities.

#13. Choral drilling is a feature of the :

#14. Design, conduct and analyze are the steps of ……………. for language learners.

#15. "You had better stop here for petroI as there is no gas station for the next 200 KM" . The purpose of this utterance is :



Perfect, you did it!

Don’t Give Up

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Bahaa Shammala
The CEO & Founder of YFG project.


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