Home Methodology Teaching Approaches Quiz

Teaching Approaches Quiz


#1. There is no analysis of grammar rules and no correction of mistakes.

Natural Approach It is based on using the language in the classroom indirectly and spontaneously. There is no analysis of grammar rules and no correction of mistakes. This approach considers language as communication learning. The second language is learned the same way as children learn their mother tongue.

#2. Language is a habit formation, so it is based on practising dialogues of every situation.

Audio-Lingualism Approach
Language is a habit formation, so it is based on practising dialogues of every situation.

It relies on drills. The four skills are sequenced as follow (
listening, speaking, reading, writing.)

Grammar is taught using the inductive method.

#3. Teachers use the mother language most of the lesson

Grammar -Translation Approach

It is based on a translation from the target language into the mother language

Students memorize grammatical rules and lists of vocabulary.

Teachers use the mother language most of the lesson.

#4. This approach considers language as communication learning.

Natural Approach

It is based on using the language in the classroom indirectly and spontaneously.

There is no analysis of grammar rules and no correction of mistakes.

This approach considers language as communication learning.

The second language is learned the same way as children learn their mother tongue.

#5. Grammar is taught using the inductive method.

Direct Approach

Almost all lessons are begun with dialogues and conversational style.
Pictures and actions are used to make meaning clear.
Teachers should be native-like proficient.
The meaning should be connected directly with the native language without translation.
Grammar is taught using the inductive method.


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Bahaa Shammala
The CEO & Founder of YFG project.


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