Home Literature Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 6 LiteratureQuizzes Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 6 By Bahaa Shammala - March 11, 2021 156 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Results Perfect, you did it! Don’t Give Up #1. the pattern of end rhyme in a poem. Resolution Resolution Satire Satire Rhyme scheme Rhyme scheme Rising Action Rising Action #2. a literary technique in which foolish ideas or customs are ridiculed for the purpose of improving society. Simile Simile Soliloquy Soliloquy Satire Satire Setting Setting #3. a figure of speech in which two seemingly unlike things are compared. Soliloquy Soliloquy Setting Setting Satire Satire Simile Simile #4. A dramatic convention in which a character in a play, alone on stage, speaks his or her thoughts aloud. Suspense Suspense Stream of Consciousness Stream of Consciousness Style Style Soliloquy Soliloquy #5. the technique of presenting the flow of thoughts, responses, and sensations of one or more characters Stream of Consciousness Stream of Consciousness Style Style Suspense Suspense Soliloquy Soliloquy #6. the final unwinding, or resolving of the conflicts and complications in the plot. Rhyme scheme Rhyme scheme Rising Action Rising Action Resolution Resolution Pun Pun #7. the time and place in which the action of a story occurs. Simile Simile Satire Satire Setting Setting Soliloquy Soliloquy #8. That part of the plot that leads through a series of events of increasing interest and power to the climax or turning point. Satire Satire Rising Action Rising Action Resolution Resolution Rhyme scheme Rhyme scheme #9. A form of wit, not necessarily funny, involving a play on a word with two or more meanings. Pun Pun Rhyme scheme Rhyme scheme Resolution Resolution Rising Action Rising Action #10. the central character in a story; the one upon whom the center of the action. Pun Pun Resolution Resolution Rhyme scheme Rhyme scheme Protagonist Protagonist Finish