Home Literature Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 4

Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 4


Dear student, first you have to study the following literature definitions, then test your knowledge about what you read on the next page. Good Luck.

Figurative Language (اللغة التصويرية): language employing figures of speech; language that cannot be taken literally or only literally.

Flashback (مشهد): a scene, or an incident that happened before the beginning of a story, or at an earlier point in the narrative.

Foil: a character who provides a striking contrast to another character.

Foreshadowing (التنبيه): a writer’s use of hints or clues to indicate events that will occur later in the narrative.

Hyperbole (المبالغة): an exaggeration for emphasis or humorous effect.

Imagery (التصور): words and phrases that create vivid experiences or a picture for the reader.

Irony (المفارقة): a contrast between appearance and actuality:
Verbal irony (السخرية اللفظية): a writer says one thing, but means something entirely different.
Situational irony(السخرية الظرفية): occurs when something happens that is entirely different from what is expected.
Dramatic irony (السخرية الدرامية): occurs when the reader knows information that the characters do not.

Literal (التفسير الحرفي): A word-for-word interpretation for what is written or said.

Metaphor (الإستعارة): a figure of speech in which a comparison or analogy is made between two seemingly unlike things, as in the phrase “evening of life.”

Metonymy (الكناية): a figure of speech that substitutes the name of a related object, person, or idea for the subject at hand.

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Bahaa Shammala
The CEO & Founder of YFG project.


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