Home Literature Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 3 LiteratureQuizzes Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 3 By Bahaa Shammala - March 11, 2021 176 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Results Perfect, you did it! Don’t Give Up #1. events that lead to a resolution after the climax. Fable Fable Language Flashback Language Flashback Falling Action Falling Action Figurative Figurative #2. a motto or quotation that appears at the beginning of a book, play, chapter, or poem. Epitaph Epitaph Epigraph Epigraph Enjambment Enjambment Epigram Epigram #3. a brief tale told to illustrate a moral. Fable Fable Falling Action Falling Action Figurative Language Figurative Language Flashback Flashback #4. any witty, pointed saying usually in verse, on a tomb Denouement Denouement Diction Diction Enjambment Enjambment Epigram Epigram #5. A succession of sweetly melodious sounds;The term is applied to smoothly flowing POETRY or PROSE. Epitaph Epitaph Epigraph Epigraph Euphony Euphony Exposition Exposition #6. the carrying of sense and grammatical structure in a poem beyond the end of one line Diction Diction Enjambment Enjambment Denouement Denouement Epigram Epigram #7. background information at the beginning of the story, such as setting, characters, and conflicts. Epigraph Epigraph Epitaph Epitaph Exposition Exposition Euphony Euphony #8. the final unraveling or outcome of the plot in drama or fiction during which the complications and conflicts of the plot are resolved. Diction Diction Denouement Denouement Epigram Epigram Enjambment Enjambment #9. the inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person or people buried there Epigram Epigram Epigraph Epigraph Epitaph Epitaph Enjambment Enjambment #10. word choice Denouement Denouement Diction Diction Epigram Epigram Enjambment Enjambment Finish