Home Literature Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 3

Study & Quiz: Literature definitions 3


Dear student, first you have to study the following literature definitions, then test your knowledge about what you read on the next page. Good Luck.

Denouement (الخاتمة): the final unraveling or outcome of the plot in drama or fiction during which the complications and conflicts of the plot are resolved.

Diction (إلقاء): word choice

Enjambment: the carrying of sense and grammatical structure in a poem beyond the end of one line, COUPLET, or STANZA, and into the next.

Epigram (اقتباس): any witty, pointed saying. Originally an epigram meant an inscription, or epitaph usually in verse, on a tomb. Later it came to mean a short poem that compressed meaning and expression in
the manner of an inscription.

Epigraph (نقش او اقتباس): a motto or quotation that appears at the beginning of a book, play, chapter, or poem. Occasionally, an epigraph shows the source for the title of a work. Because the epigraph usually relates to the theme of a piece of literature, it can give the reader insight into the work.

Epitaph (مرثية): the inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person or people buried there. Epitaph also refers to a brief literary piece that sums up the life of a dead person.

Euphony: A succession of sweetly melodious sounds; the opposite of CACOPHONY. The term is applied to smoothly flowing POETRY or PROSE.

Exposition (شرح): background information at the beginning of the story, such as setting, characters, and conflicts. In a short story, the exposition appears in the opening paragraphs; in a novel, the exposition is usually part of the first chapter.

Fable (حكاية): a brief tale told to illustrate a moral.

Falling Action (أحداث حاسمة): events that lead to a resolution after the climax.

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Bahaa Shammala
The CEO & Founder of YFG project.


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