Find out your current level of Vocabulary by completing ALL 15 following questions.
#1. While we traveled in Italy, we stayed in an inexpensive (hostel).
A hostel and an inn are both lodging places for travelers.

#2. What is the meaning of the underlined word (courtesy) as it is used in the passage?
Throughout the passage, the author displays a positive attitude toward the Sami and their beliefs. Although they are said to be peaceful, they are not said to be timid or fearful (they retreated from war because they did not believe in it).
In the context of the passage, it’s most likely that the Sami avoid making a disturbance in the wilderness out of respect for the spirits.

#3. What is the most likely meaning of the underlined word debris as it is used in this passage?
This is the choice that makes the most sense when imagining objects floating in space.
#4. Maggie was the most talented tennis player at her school, even though she’d never had the ______ to take formal lessons.
An opportunity is a chance.
The other choices make no sense in the context of this sentence.

#5. The underlined word atrophy, as used in the paragraph, most nearly means
Although a muscle that atrophies may be weakened (choice c), the primary meaning of the phrase to atrophy is to waste away.
#6. The thief (jostled) me in a crowd and was thus able to pick my pocket.
To be jostled is to be bumped.

#7. Which pair of words, if inserted into the blanks in sequence, makes the most sense in the context of the passage?
Answers a and c do not include the sense of hierarchy conveyed in the phrase to enforce social order.
Answer b does convey a sense of hierarchy but in the wrong order.
#8. When Carson suddenly quit his job, he didn’t even ____ how difficult it might be to find a new one.
To consider is to think about. The other choices make no sense in the context of the sentence.

#9. Based on the tone of the passage, which of the following words best describes the author’s attitude toward the Sami people?
To depict the Sami, the author uses words that point to their gentleness, which is an admirable quality: They move quietly, display courtesy to the spirits of the wilderness, and were known as peaceful retreaters.
There is nothing pitying, contemptuous, or patronizing in the language, and nothing in the passage indicates that the author is perplexed—the description of the Sami is clear and to the point.

#10. What is the meaning of the underlined word (eccentric) as it is used in the sentence?
The passage implies that the other women in the orchestra were conventional because of the way they dressed and wore their hair.
Because Robin does things differently, she would be considered unconventional. The other choices, although she may be joyful, unreliable, and proud, have nothing to do with the context of this sentence, which is directly addressing her appearance as it compares to the other women in the orchestra.

#11. The closest meaning of the underlined word animistic, as it is used in the passage, is
The immediate context of the word animistic defines the word: for [the Sami], nature and natural objects had a conscious life, a spirit.
There is no indication in the passage that the author believes Sami’s animistic religion is irrational (choice a). The other choices are not in the passage.
#12. I (relinquished) my place in line to go back and talk with my friend Diane.
#13. The volcano lays (dormant) now, but we feel sure it will erupt again within the year.
Dormant and inactive both mean not active, as if asleep (the root meaning of dormant).
#14. The mayor (tailored) his speech to suit the crowd of homeless people gathered outside his office.
To be tailored and to be altered both mean to be made to fit.
#15. We had no idea who the special guest speaker would be, because the organizers of the event were so ______.
The key here is the phrase, We had no idea who the special guest speaker would be.
This implies there is something hidden or secret.
The other choices are unrelated to not knowing who the speaker would be.
#16. My friend asked me to lie for her, but that is against my (philosophy).
Philosophy means a system of motivating principles.
#17. Because of his disregard for the king’s laws, the prince was punished by being (banished) from the kingdom.
To be banished and to be exiled both mean to be forced to leave.
#18. I wrote in my (journal) every day, hoping in the future to author a book about my trip to Paris.
A journal and a diary are both records of daily happenings.

#19. What is the meaning of the underlined word grimace as it is used in the passage?
A grimace is a contortion of the face. Neither a wrinkle nor a simper matches the descriptive word ferocious.
A shriek would be described in terms of sound, rather than looks.
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