Here are 16 questions to test your knowledge of English competencies. GOOD LUCK
#1. Careful consideration of course objectives procedures, and content helps to determine the course's :
#2. __ is teaching strategy where the teacher assists learners with variables in the form of a ladder where he can add or remove some variables, so that learners gain confidence in their learning abilities.
#3. A formative evaluation takes place......
#4. Integrative test items have only one set of correct responses and therefore :
#5. A well-prepared exam should be :
#6. Students can be engaged in a lesson through learning by _.
#7. Adults might use different strategies in acquiring a second language, and they usually
#8. By becoming active participants in the learning process , learners can become ____ in their approach to learning.
#9. The aim of placement tests is to create groups that are _in level .
#10. A___________is a graphic organizer used to show steps of a process or a project.
#11. Odd one out activity is usually used in teaching:
#12. If the student comprehends and speaks conversational English without apparent difficulty, but understands and speaks academic English with some hesitancy, the proficiency level of that student would be:
#13. Three examples of tests used in evaluation include:
#14. When you give your students feedback for their writing , it is proper to use the remark :
#15. The use of authentic materials will help the students: